Part 2: The #1 reason owners like you close their practice.

“The number one reason owners close their business is not because it is financially failing but because they are emotionally exhausted”

~ Nancy Givens CPA

My accountant told me this ten years ago – and it had a lasting impact.  

I immediately began evaluating my mindset – and as a result became intentional about developing a mindset of abundance. I realized that tension will always be a necessary part of my journey as a practice owner; tension yields abundant fruit including empathy and strength as a leader – and helps me overcome procrastination in making decisions.  However, the number one benefit of tension is making me keep my eye on the future our vision.

One of the more vital reasons for taking a break from work to travel or just to enjoy time with your family, free of the distractions imposed by work, is to provide self-care of your mind and your emotions. It is important that you plan your vacation intentionally, so that you can return to your business  with a renewed sense of excitement as the leader in charge of realizing your practice’s vision. 

 A great book to read on your vacation this summer is Winning the Way in your Mind  by Craig Groeschel.

Grateful to be on this journey with you,

Dr. Matthew Harkness

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