SYSTEM: Save Your Self Time Energy & Money
Part 1: Identify the frustration and restate it from a systems perspective If you find yourself repeatedly identifying a team member or a team as the cause of a problem – STOP! In my experience, all team members desire to do a good job and utilize their gifts and...
Can you abdicate your leadership?
Take a look in the mirror and do a good honest self assessment. Ask yourself how can I improve?Is it possible for any of us to abdicate our responsibilities for our health, our finances, our leadership, our faith, our relationship with our spouses and children? The...
Hold steady and stay the course during difficult times!
The sun always rises and a new day always begins.We have been going through some choppy waters due to changes in staffing in the past three months. It has been difficult and painful. This is always hard – and even personal for me. As I revisit the history of my 24...
Say No!
“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say 'no' to almost everything.” ~Warren Buffett Do you ever feel like you are being pulled in a 100 different directions? You are constantly confronted with...
It Is What It Is
“If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything, is ready, we shall never begin” ~Ivan Turgenev Have you ever felt overwhelmed by certain elements of being a practice owner? Perhaps it is a lack of cash, an empty clinical position you need to fill,...
Be organized…Be empowered!
"Change means movement. Movement means friction." ~Saul Alinsky It has been a good week. I am feeling that I am headed on the right trajectory with home and work. One thing that helps me immensely is when I am organized; my planner is up to date, my calendar is...
Trust the Process
If there is one thing I have learned in more than 20 years of clinical practice and leading a business it is this: There is NO FORMULA, NO SECRET, NO PERSON that will magically accelerate your business beyond the natural organic process of growth experienced by any...
The Pursuit of Happiness
Are you happy? Are you living your dream? Do you feel you’ve got it all? Does your business and personal life operate in concert with one another like a finely tuned and well-oiled machine? Is everything smooth sailing? I’m sure your answer – like mine – is a big fat...
The Law of Least Effort
The greater the obstacle to achieving a goal, the more difficult that goal is to accomplish. This is because energy is precious – and our brains are hard-wired to conserve energy for emergency expenditure whenever possible. It is simply human nature to be lazy and to...
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Cape Coral, FL