Focus is POWER!!

Focus is POWER!!

The Allied Physical Therapy team takes part in a strategy session, where goals that will move the company toward its vision are set as a team for the next quarter. Creating goals so I can focus and be clear is tough work. Scaling your team to effectively create goals...
Your Team is Craving Community!

Your Team is Craving Community!

We are experiencing turbulent times in our nation – so many voices, perspectives, pointing fingers, shouting,  noise, noise, noise … I find that for my own sanity, I have been practicing more benevolent detachment that I learned about from John Eldridge.    The enemy...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!!   Merry Christmas to all of you!!  This Christmas, I am more appreciative than ever for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We all could have never imagined the events that have taken place in 2020 a year ago at this time.  I can honestly say...
How profitable is your practice?

How profitable is your practice?

In a recent blog post, I shared my re-Discover vision through 2024 for my practice.   One of the big goals that I have for the business is to obtain profitability of 15 to 20% . So, just how profitable have I been over the past 15 years, and how am I doing now? The...
The Letdown Effect

The Letdown Effect

The Letdown Effect Well…….we got hit with a bombshell coming off our summit.  One of our team members tested positive for COVID-19. The staff was all in a tizzy on Monday morning as the leadership team scrambled to communicate stability, confidence and clarity to our...