by Matthew Harkness, DPT | Apr 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
The two most important qualities you need to scale and grow your practice are Self-Awareness and Empathy. Self-awareness is conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. This is an intentional process. Just as a muscle performs...
by Matthew Harkness, DPT | Mar 26, 2021 | FB
Use the Meeting Agenda Planner (MAP) to make your meetings more productive! As leaders running a healthcare practice, it is our responsibility to ensure that our team is focused on getting the right things done. If we don’t do this, we are not growing. If we are not...
by Matthew Harkness, DPT | Feb 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
This week, one of my new craniofacial patients brought in her occlusal night splint that was made by a respectable practitioner in my town. I ask her how she likes the splint. Is it comfortable? Does it reduce pain and improve the function of her jaw? Is she...
by Matthew Harkness, DPT | Feb 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
Be sure to complete the survey on What is Value, below. I want to get some more data before I share the results. We are now beginning our move into a medical/wellness hybrid practice model. Our goal is to receive 60% of our revenues from traditional insurance, and...
by Matthew Harkness, DPT | Feb 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
reDISCOVER yourself! Body, Mind and Spirit. This is YOUR year! YOU are valuable! YOU have the solution to transform your patients’ lives! BE CONFIDENT!! You can build a successful practice earning 20% profit and compensate all your team members 15 to 20%...
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