Part 3: Maximizing Revenues through Systems:  Implementation

To maximize insurance revenues, it is not only vital to identify and create a good system – you must also implement the system with the right process and mindset.

Here are 3 important steps as you implement your new system:

  1.  Explain the value of the new system to stakeholders
    • How the new system will improve their lives; make their tasks easier
    • Explain how the new system will eliminate current frustrations
    • Point out the resulting increases in revenue and income
  2. Anticipate objections
    • Expect and consider what the objections will be
    • Acknowledge that logistics of implementation is the team’s biggest concern
  3. Not one and done
    • Introduce the system in a fun environment – have food, and create a visually appealing training booklet of the system.
    • Drip components of the training out over several months.
    • Describe the process as “Wet cement,” that implementation does not mean a closed door and that feedback is important to an ongoing process of adjustment.

We recently issued “The Path: Our Guest journey” that helps our team understand the the journey our guests take to – and through – our Wellness Community. Take a look:

The Impact of Developing Effective System
(Saving Your Self Time Energy, Money) :

Optimal Documentation & Billing System
Developed in 2016

Financial Impact:

2015 Reimbursement per visit: $77.94
2016 Reimbursement per visit: $80.85
Gain of: $2.91

Annual Visits Per Year:

13,100 (2016) visits x $2.91 = $37,990

Impact on Team:

  • Unified Teamwork: Continuity, clarity in billing/documenting optimally and compliantly
  • Enhanced New Team Member/Student experience: Has been enhanced with the best training they will ever receive in proper optimal documentation and billing.
  • Trained much quicker (2weeks)
  • Have clear resources Master charge sheet, orientation manual…resulting in confidence
TRUST: elevated within our team….this is the greatest benefit and will produce the best return.
“A good systems shortens the road to the goal”
~Orison Swett Marden

Grateful to be on this journey with you,

Dr. Matthew Harkness

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