Trust the Process
If there is one thing I have learned in more than 20 years of clinical practice and leading a business it is this: There is NO FORMULA, NO SECRET, NO PERSON that will magically accelerate your business beyond the natural organic process of growth experienced by any...
The Pursuit of Happiness
Are you happy? Are you living your dream? Do you feel you’ve got it all? Does your business and personal life operate in concert with one another like a finely tuned and well-oiled machine? Is everything smooth sailing? I’m sure your answer – like mine – is a big fat...
The Law of Least Effort
The greater the obstacle to achieving a goal, the more difficult that goal is to accomplish. This is because energy is precious – and our brains are hard-wired to conserve energy for emergency expenditure whenever possible. It is simply human nature to be lazy and to...
Are you aware of your habits?
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~ Carl Jung Back in 2005 BC (before children), my wife and I had a chance to take a 10-day private boat trip to The Dry Tortugas. As I packed for the trip, I impulsively...
Focus on the Start
The Southwest Florida area where I live and practice was ground zero for Category 4 Hurricane Ian. Thankfully, we only suffered minor damage at both of our properties. The surrounding neighborhoods that were built on lower ground than our home experienced...
What is Success for You?
success [ suhk-ses ] noun the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. With the recent death of England’s Queen Elizabeth II, I have been watching The Crown on Netflix. I watched with fascination as the queen’s husband, Prince Phillip, suffered a crises...
Your Mind Needs a Sabbatical
I’m back! My last blog post was 11/20/21! I have been on an unintentional sabbatical from my blog. It is good to be back in my favorite coffee shop writing once again. First, I appreciate all of you taking the time to read this blog. I hope that you will learn and...
Why you need a Medical Practice coach: Part 2
Common Objections to Hiring a Coach I love the Chick-fil-A® organization. They are in the people business first; the chicken sandwich business second. Much of my brick and mortar practice has been modeled similarly to Chick-fil-A, which is owned privately by the Cathy...
Why you need a Medical Practice coach: Part 1
In a world with so much information at your fingertips, you may ask yourself why you would ever need to invest in a business coach or mentor to grow and scale your practice. After all, you could simply read the best books, listen to the top podcasts, and interact...
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Cape Coral, FL