The sun always rises and a new day always begins.
We have been going through some choppy waters due to changes in staffing in the past three months. It has been difficult and painful. This is always hard – and even personal for me. As I revisit the history of my 24 years as a business owner, a pattern emerges: difficulties and struggles always yield the greatest growth! As we go through difficult times, the battle is always one of the mind. My reactive lizard brain immediately goes to thinking:
- Reactive thoughts
- Catastrophic thinking
- Personalizing
- Universalizing
- Generalizing
It is important during a period of trial to recognize that you are weak, stressed, and vulnerable. When times like this arise – and they always will – hold steady, be present, breathe and don’t make any decisions. When decisions must be made, delegate them to a trused leader. In most cases, a decision can wait. In my experience, it may seem that some things just can’t wait – but the reality is that they can.
Also, it is important to be intentional about getting good, quality rest. Whenever I have experienced trials and difficulty, I make sleep and rest a priority. I will even take a break from my early 5 am walks. This allows my body and mind to recover and renew.
- Hold steady
- Delay or delegate decisions
- Be present
- Get good rest
Your Team
Recognize that water cooler chatter is an unavoidable by-product of unexpected changes in your organization. I am always amazed by how much of a family we are as a company. When change inevitably happens, everyone gets reactive – and it can get pretty bumpy.
As questions arise from the team, be factual, and avoid making judgements and responding with emotion. As a leader, it is important – once again – to hold steady; don’t react and resist the desire to take control.
Just as you have to manage your emotions, process the events that have taken place, so does your team. Provide opportunities to listen, team meetings, even a one-on-one meetings when they are necessary. If you anticipate the potential for a highly emotional meeting, I recommend you invite a third person from your leadership team to attend. In my experience, the five stages of emotion are a pretty good summary of what we all go through when unanticipated change rocks your business life: Denial, Anger, Sadness, Acceptance, and Growth – not just for you, but for your whole team.
- Avoid attempting control
- Avoid Reacting
- Avoid Assuming
- Listen
The sun always rises and a new day always begins. The morning is my favorite time of the day; a fresh start, the morning cool air, feeling rested and ready to start again. Breakfast with fresh coffee is even my favorite meal.
Take some time to recall all the circumstances or situations in the past in your business and life that were seemingly unsurmountable. You made it through.
As I reflect, I realize that my most stressful events occurred around staffing – team members leaving, an upset team member, an underperforming team member. We have had a Chick-fil-A restaurant in our community for 15 years and I am good friends with the owner. I was in there recently having coffee and, taking a good look around, I realized there was only one person among the current staff members who was part of the orignal crew. All the other team members are new. The resturant continues to florish and thrive – and so will your business.
- Be a servant to your team members
- Your team members are on loan to you
- They will leave at some point
- There will be more great team members who will join you in the future
- Appreciate them while you have them
Remember to hold steady and stay the course!

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