Sometimes the most difficult decisions turn out to be the best.
An open letter to the Allied Physical Therapy Staff: Melissa and I have decided to close our Bonita office.    During this time of stepping back from our day-to-day routine, we have had time to reflect on our goals – both personally and professionally – and have come to the realization that we are no longer living our “VOICE,” some of which can be attributed to the maintenance, staffing and upkeep of the Bonita clinic. We learn best from our experiences and know that we will look back at this time as fruitful and invaluable. We are committed to each one of you and your families – and are excited to have this new opportunity to refocus on our purpose by re-investing our resources in growing the Cape Coral location.  We will continue to build Allied and invest in opportunities for growth while providing a supportive and affirming environment for you and your families. I continue to be amazed how God speaks to us most often in times of stillness.  God has provided this opportunity to all of us during this COVID-19 crisis. Our desire is to live out our purpose.  For Melissa, this purpose is modeling “Second Mile SERVICE;” creating a culture of touch-points though the five senses that transform our lives, the lives of our team members and the lives of our guests. She seeks to affirm, encourage, and develop those around her – to make an impact so that they too can leave their mark. She needs to make herself available and have the flexibility that is necessary for our children, because time really does move so quickly. She hopes to impact our community beyond the walls of our building – seeking opportunities to volunteer and grow as a team – and experiencing the reward of serving others in need.
As Mother Theresa said, “The fruit of SERVICE is PEACE.”
For myself, I want to get back to the basics of growing and developing our team. I consider myself an underdog coming from unlikely circumstances. I want to create a culture that listens, empowers, innovates, and believes in YOU! You CAN do this! I want this to be done in a clear and simple way, where you understand your role, where you feel empowered to contribute to your team, your guests, and your loved ones. We want you to feel that at Allied, you have found a home to live your VOICE – to grow and to build your future through the mission and vision of Allied.  Each one of you is amazing.  I am often humbled by your talents, commitment, ideas and loyalty.  As we look back over the past 15 years, we have achieved many goals and learned a great deal – but there is more work to be done! In making this difficult decision, we believe we have made a giant leap forward in building a stronger future for all of us! God Bless, Matt
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