Honestly, how often do you think or verbalize this thought?

I don’t have the money, the time, the experience, the knowledge, to reach my goal. Therefore, I can’t take that step, to do what I really want to do, to be where I really want to be.
The real danger here happens in our thinking and in our minds. Subconsciously, our minds begin to default to thinking about problems, scarcity and lack of resources, time, and to settle and compromise our desires and our calling. We become a critic, a judge, a drain to those around us. The result is that we stop dreaming and become content with a life a mediocrity.
What is it that you want? Take a trip? Have (adopt) a child? Pay off a debt(s)? Buy a home? Start or grow a business? Restore a relationship? Find a spouse? Complete a degree? Build a platform to help others in need? Spread the gospel?
I confess that this is a daily battle for me. Like our muscles, if we don’t use them, we lose them – If we don’t think with a mindset of opportunity and abundance, we drift back into a place of scarcity and obstacles. Thinking positive thoughts is a daily exercise; a journey that we must practice for a lifetime as human beings and as leaders.
This week, I am attending the Global Leadership Summit. I have found much encouragement here and I wanted to share some tips I have learned that will help you to live a life by design so you too can continue to build your legacy.
Craig Groeschel, a business and spiritual leader, talked about how constraints actually drive creativity. Think about it (positively!): If the resources at your disposal are less than those that are ideally necessary to accomplish or obtain your goals, you have to get creative! How can you work with what you have to act, or to take the next step?
According to Groeschel, the pursuit of perfection is oftentimes the enemy of progress. Constraints actually force us to do the best we can with what we have – not to seek perfection (it’s good enough – move on).
He also addressed the myth that better always costs more (in time or money). Over time, investing more time or money will yield a diminishing return.
Believe it or not, it is actually a good thing to create constraints as you lead others, said Groeschel. “This is what you have to work with,” be it finances or time. Doing so creates clear boundaries and drives efficiency for yourself and your team.
I’m here to tell you to embrace your limitations! Do not turn back. There are no excuses. Commit to your goal and you will figure it out. Remind yourself often what is at stake. Step away from doubts and negative thoughts. Step into your calling and your faith.
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