Your Medical Practice Mentor Blog

What is your business’s most valuable asset?

Although you may be tempted to think of things like computers, vehicles and real estate when naming your business's most valuable asset, you'd be mistaken. Where it was once true that machinery, equipment and capital were the true measure of business success during...

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Handing over the reins – FREEDOM at last!

Handing over the reins – FREEDOM at last!

As I look back at my life's journey thus far, I believe I have done better than most at understanding the value of excellent relationships with my family, my team and my patients. I attribute the success of our brand to this relationship philosophy. However, it wasn't...

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Release vs Control

Release vs Control

Experience has taught me that release and letting go are the keys to success, happiness and peaceful living. Control really has no place in a successful team – or family. This realization actually became the catalyst for business growth and personal development. For...

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